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Welcome to Live Interestingly!

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing” … Helen Keller
Welcome to my blog!
I am excited to have this platform to share a little more of who I am and what I do. As someone who has been an educator my whole life, I really hope to share some things with you that will inspire you to be creative, pursue your passions, and live interestingly. According to my friends I have always led a pretty interesting life.
While I didn’t set out to achieve that in the beginning, I have to admit that I LOVE new adventures and will always “give something a try”, and now in my life I have developed more of an intentional life plan that seeks out those “moments and memories”.
From my earliest memories, I can hear my Mom’s words as she repeatedly told me “Life is too short”. Whenever I would get mad – “Life is too short” for that. Whenever I would worry – “Life is too short” to worry about things you can’t change. She told me time and time again that Life was “too short to not be happy”. And even though it usually takes me awhile to get most things through my thick head, she was patient and kept it up, and eventually I started to buy into that way of thinking. Even though she is gone now, those words still come into play both when I run into difficulties, and when I am faced with opportunities.
So enter this blog – “Live Interestingly”. I think you can live an interesting life in many ways regardless of your “day job”. It is all about creating experiences. I always loved the saying “Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the number of moments that take your breath away.” I really believe you have to be proactive and intentional as you make an interesting life. Or else you may find that you have taken a lot of breaths, but not had a lot of “moments”.
Through my musical endeavors, my disc dogging life, my travels and trips and mountain adventures I will be writing about things that I hope will embolden you to live life to the full. I have been fortunate to be surrounded by incredibly creative people. My life has been spent creating and teaching creativity, and I really believe that one of the secrets to happiness and living interestingly is being able to tap into your creative self. Everyone reading this is creative!! Whether you think you are or not, you have it in you and just need to be able to access it. Throughout these posts I hope to share some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your life because it should be an adventure!
I love meeting people who live life to the full and really enjoy the ride. They inspire me to pursue the same. Hopefully this blog will serve as a good place to share some experiences, so please subscribe, comment often, and come along for the journey!